The Land of Starbuckia

The Land of Starbuckia

The Land of Starbuckia

By The Q.O.E.

August 10, 2016


To the

Land of Starbuckia

Often I stray,

Although it’s a rather long distance away.

My nerves start to quiver in anticipation,

The closer I come to this sacred location.

Its staffers are often quite nimble and young,

They are loaded with charm, and oft silver of tongue.

The owner – whoe’er that Starbucker may be –

Is clearly an expert on suckers like me.

How access Starbuckia? Quite up to you:

You may walk in.

Or, simply drive through.

The sensory impact of this place is grand:

Plenty to see in Starbuckia Land!

There’s tea cups and oodles of quaint coffee mugs,

With comfortable seats near electrical plugs…

Where students with tablets may fully unfurl;

Where business folk hide from a too-busy world.

Orgasmic aromas cause noses to lust:

They are swiftly seduced with no question of trust.

A few tasty treats may be toasted or heated,

And swiftly, when done, expeditiously meted.

The background of sound is frenetic and hectic.

Mirroring patrons

Quite often eclectic!

Touch is just one of the two senses left:

The magical feel of that full-coffee heft!

The beloved logo on stiff paper cup,

Inviting my coffee-starved soul to, “Drink up!”

The texture, more rough, of the recycled sleeve,

An excess of heat guaranteed to relieve.

Here comes the moment of greatest romance:

Causing my much jangled senses to dance.

The barista performs without error or glitch,

As I hand off my gold card with nary a twitch.

Some think that a dollar or two should be plenty,

But we true believers would likely pay twenty.

This prelude of sight, sound, smelling and touch,

Is not quite enough, though it seems like too much.

All of it, though would be shamefully wasted,

Unless this concoction were finally tasted.

Espresso so dark meets the foamiest cream,

Announcing themselves in that first puff of steam.

Then, oh the ecstasy! Oh, the delight!

The latte perfected, the temperature right.

Two or three swallows are truly serene,

And then comes that wonderful rush of caffeine!

Upward I fly like a bird on the wing,

Clouds part and angels undoubtedly sing.

In my rear-view mirror Starbuckia shrinks,

But its spirit goes with me along with my drink.

I pass Duncan Donuts and old Mickey D’s,

Whose coffee puts someone like me on my knees.

If I had to drink theirs, I’d fall on my sword.

But, God made Starbuckia….O, praise the Lord!


I need coffee!!!
Starbucks-Logo (1).png

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