O, Canada!!

Ooooh, Canada!!!

Wrtten especially for you

By the QOE

In honor of Canada Day

July 1, 2017


Here comes my nation’s birthday: Guardian of the North:

I often do compare her to her Sister from the South.

O, Canada, my native land, vast countryside, vast heart:

My ancestors lie sleeping ‘neath this unspoiled, snow-kissed earth.

My Great Grandfather Patrick came from Erin’s emerald shore

To stake a Nova Scotia claim where few had walked before.

Perhaps a fur-clad foot had trod the acres that Pat cleared:

Perhaps the furry feet themselves were all who ventured there.

Hard working folk, who tilled the soil, made Canada’s new world:

Above her, flew the Union Jack and France’s flag unfurled.

A century plus fifty years, she’s been a robust nation:

How well I do remember her century celebration.

A jewel in the British Crown, and then her own Dominion,

Evolving in a unique way, my patriot’s opinion.

First Nation folk began her trek from wilderness to country:

The Vikings, Cabot, Cartier made contributions sundry.

From four Atlantic provinces, the northern nation grew:

From monarchs to democracy, her independence flew.

Today she’s North America’s crown, in many ways her best:

History, wars and critics have put her to the test.

There’s universal health care, great beer, great poutine:

Ten provinces connect the land from sea to shining sea.

The Yukon Territories, Northwest and Nunavut,

Invade the Arctic Circle in a geographic jut.

A multicultural nation, a showcase of mankind…

At the helm a second Trudeau, his father’s handsome son.

Canadians love the planet, they tend to love each other,

Take seriously the precept to be keepers of their brothers.

Comedians, rock stars, movie folk have grown up and gone forth

To make their fame in the USA, but home was to the north.

Hospitality is King, good manners are in style:

They offer all a cup of tea….and serve it with a smile!

So, think kindly on my nation, celebrate her Natal Day:

Tip a hat to your neighbor and kiss a Canadian, eh?







God Bless The USA!

Old Glory