Senior Picnic....

Rotary Prayer

Colesville Rotary hosted a picnic for local seniors to join us for a meal and some fellowship at Cole Park on 9/11/19. A moment of silence was observed in honor of the day and its tragic memories….then the poem below was our invocation in honor of the more joyous intentions of the evening.



Made mankind

To thrive outdoors

Among the woods and hills:

Picnics, happy gatherings,

Burgers on the grill!

Through nature’s meadows,

Paths and parks,

With just a gentle breeze,

We humans love

To share a meal

Beneath the sheltering trees.

This week

We use the vast outdoors,

And let our cares unwind,

Where friendly neighbors gather

With fellowship in mind.

We thank the Lord

For all the cooks

Who filled this grand array

Of gastronomic specialties

Right here on our buffet!

We pray for hands

That made the food

And all who come to share…

May it reinforce the message

That we serve

Because we care.  




Farewell Brookvale.....

Fading Summer.....