Corona Contemplations V

Corona Mother’s Day


May 10, 2020


A Mother’s Day in quarantine…who’d dream of such a thing?

We love to bring Mom flowers…or at least give Mom a ring.

We take our Moms to dinner…Or cook for her at home;

A payback for a thousand meals she “rustled” all alone.

Sometimes a piece of jewelry commemorates the day…

A symbol of your love for her and all you’d wish to say.

She’s thrilled with anything at all…it’s easy to predict her…

Bowled over by a homemade card or macaroni picture!

Mothers are ubiquitous…you find them everywhere:

You are one, or you had one…so, they’re not exactly rare.

But, each of us gets only one…a good one or p’raps not...

Whatever kind of Mom you drew’s the only one you’ve got!

Mothers strive to do their best…work hard and do what’s right,

To feed their brood of chickens and tuck them in each night.

They train them all as best they can…to learn what’s right or wrong.

Both physically and morally, Moms want us to be strong.

No matter who or where you are, Mom’s gift is happiness,

While who we are and how we live gives proof of her success!

When one becomes a Mother, her needs go on the shelf,

She dons her Superwoman cape, serves others more than self!

There are devoted daughters…there are adoring sons:

There are children less attentive, but Mom loves every one.

Take note! This year is different…there may not be hugs and kisses:

And those, not fancy presents, are what every mother misses.

Pick up the phone and call her…do a drive-by wave in style.

Do all you can to keep her safe, yet still light up her smile.

God bless the Mothers of this world, who duty never shirk:

Though in the end, they must relinquish all their handiwork.

So it is with Love, my Dears… and ever it shall be…

We can’t send Love into the world,

Unless we set it free.

Corona Contemplations VI

Middle Grandson's Natal Day Poem...