Toad Thoughts....

Toad Thoughts…

For Barbara Green…….


How precious is the gentle toad…

Pondering toad thoughts.

He has a rough, uncertain road,

As yes, indeed, he ought.

And yet, there’s ancient wisdom

In that humble little form…

Hunkering in winter

To emerge as earth grows warm.

Toads do not rail at God or Fate,

Resenting well-earned Karma:

They simply, patiently await

This moment’s dose of drama.

Then, when the world is just too much,

Endurance grows too thin,

They burrow out a hiding place….

They wisely dive right in.

Salute the wisdom of this friend,

Whose tranquil spirit’s blessed….

And face your days in gentle peace,

Becoming more toad-esque.


Written just for you by

The Q.O.E.

May 17, 2021



Kiva's Special Day......

Happy 200th Birthday to the Town of Colesville....