Happy Fourth 2021!!

God Bless America…Please


Embattled Lady Liberty our eastern beaches guards,

We’ve cast her as the hostess of America’s front yard.

Our shores for many centuries were visited by few,

Within this mighty continent, small Native Nations grew.

Each had its varied customs, its languages and rules:

The young learned from their elders in that ancient form of schools.

Some were full of peacefulness and others lived to fight:

Some stole their neighbors’ goods and land…the lucky ones took flight.

They hunted, fished and harvested the bounty of the land,

But when attacked, they countered back, they bravely took a stand.

Still, some cultures disappeared….mysteriously some say:

Destroyed by war or sickness…we don’t always know today.

In time, new people ventured near, seeking land and wealth.

They were a threat to customs here…a greater threat to health.

But, some came simply to escape the threat of inquisition:

They only sought survival….and to practice their religion.

Yet still, they changed the landscape, encroached on Native ways:

Tradition is so comfortable, but “different” comes to stay.

In certain penal colonies unwelcome sorts were lumped.

For the Power Class of Europe, a most convenient dump…

For inconvenient persons, from murderers to thieves…

Or just political enemies, I personally believe.

But Natives, fierce or friendly, were firmly swept aside

By a trickle of arrivals that swelled into a tide:

A humankind tsunami in ever larger waves

Contained the future of this land….and some of them were slaves.

Yet they survived King Cotton and the era of plantations,

To free themselves of dismal chains and build a mighty nation.

Just as early settlers had tossed off old England’s grip

To dump their tea into the sea with one historic flip!

The “founding fathers” risked their lives, their fortunes and their


To establish a new nation and to stake their fate upon her.

The Founding Mothers worked as hard, but they received short shrift:

To keep those fathers functioning – I’m sure you get my drift.

For decades countless others came to put her to the test:

They worked in cities, built canals, and drove the wagons west.

They came from Ireland and Spain, from Africa and Asia:

From Italy and China, from Norway and Malaysia.

They came from Poland and Japan, from Germany and France:

From Russia and from Pakistan, just dreaming of a chance…

To live in greater freedom, and pursue this destiny:

To call themselves Americans…be all that they could be.

They came through Ellis Island and silently would pray

That somehow they’d be labelled “fit” and not be sent away.

And none of them was perfect, nor was this nation pure:

Nor were success and happiness a guaranteed sinecure .

Some failed and some succeeded, some stayed, a few returned.

Still, for we “huddled masses” the torch of Freedom burned.

Lady Liberty came to stand where many a migrant stood,

Fearing to not gain entry, yet praying that they would.

Most of them achieved the dream, built businesses and lives:

Provided for their families whose generations thrive.

Today we celebrate the chosen birthday of this land,

Acknowledging grim details, but focused on the grand.

Yes, you can wallow in your sins, bewailing your mistakes,

Or take pride in achievements and the progress that they make.

For nations, just as people, are part sinners and part saints…

As daily news reminds us, and as history acquaints.

All the nations of this world have mixed and checkered stories,

Yet all are deeply thankful for their noble peaks and glories.

It is upon those glorious peaks humanity depends

For the struggle to be better in a journey without end.

So, yes! God bless America….and while you’re on your knees,

Be sure to ask for unity and end it with a “Please!”




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