Prayer for A Pastor’s Voice 


O, Wakan Tanka, hear our cry... 

From life below, our pleadings fly. 

Shrouded in mystery, it’s Your choice 

To speak your power through Susan’s voice: 

It matters little if strong or weak, 

Just that Your will is hers to speak. 

We’re grateful for her gentle heart, 

Passion-driven to do its part 

As tireless shepherd of those sheep…. 

This local pasture seeks to keep. 

We thank You for her agile mind, 

O’er many paths the Truth to find, 

Such that her stories so compelling 

Contrive to draw You near, indwelling. 

Our love for Sue is pale reflection 

Of Your unfathomable affection, 

Still, all we have is in this prayer, 

Reminding her that You are there 

In every utterance of tongue 

She makes for You, O Holy One. 

So, please release the stiffened cord 

That messages from You afford... 

We pray that Christ, in mercy, kissed her: 

Loosing the voice of our Dear Sister. 

That in Your endless Love and Power 

You’ve answered both her prayer and ours… 

It never fails,  

It’s the only one: 

Creator, we pray Your will be done. 


Written for Sue and HUMC 

By The Q.O.E. 



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