Not All Stars Are in the Sky.....

Ah, Reader! Here you are again: welcome!

This poem was written in its particular year for all those who contributed to the worship and music planning and performances in my two churches. They were and are"stars" at Christmas and all year.

Christmas Stars


Once upon a Christmas morn, Saviour of the world was born..

Into earthly toil and grind, a sacrifice for all mankind.

Angels sang and shepherds rose, and they t’ward Bethlehem did go.

There, in stable stark and grey, the tiny child of Abba lay.


Lord, Ruler of the Universe, lay in a manger: how perverse!

“No room!” said on the eve before; no courtiers flocking to adore,

But only shepherds, charges sleeping, Child-King’s birth and vigil keeping.


Yet though the world was unaware, Emanuel Himself was there,

While all the firmament of Heaven announced the wonder God had given.


A star above it all was hung, its praises down through history sung:

A sign of infinite majesty, proof of Godly prophesy.

It guided wise men from afar, this mystical, historic star,

And shone upon the Holy One, a brilliant jewel for God’s Son.


And much the same, O Christians, you are brilliant gems for Jesus, too.

In this still turbulent, sinful earth, you ensigns of a Saviour’s birth,

You point the way to life, to joy, in cleaving to that baby boy.

You take a hand, you lead the way for seekers struggling today.


And wise ones traveling near or far

Still chart their course by such a star.

So, shine, dear one, in Christ’s reflection,

Lamp to their feet in clear direction,

And be, as God has willed you are,

A Glorious, luminous Christmas Star.


                                      Lida Bassler……2/26/2009

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More Christmas......