The Groundhog Prayer

The Groundhog Prayer

Written March 20, 2013


That groundhog is a shameless tease,

Whose nonsense brings us to our knees,

“He’s right!” so many cry at length;

Yet meanwhile winter gathers strength.

To rise again to roar and blow,

To bury us in more fresh snow.

Lord, give us stamina to last

Until the whole of winter’s passed;

To hunker warm in hibernation,

Safe from icy devastation.

Soon bitter winds will lose their sting:

We’ll reach, in short, the Joy of Spring!

Dreaming of warmth and gentle breezes,

Flowers replacing colds and sneezes.

For, Lord, You know that we know better;

We’ve learned our seasons to the letter.

Our backbones must stay stiffly starched

To keep us upright until March,

Or – hand me another mug of Dayquil -

And help me tough it out ‘til April.

No matter, northerners are tough,

Though some of us ain’t tough enough.

They take off to the south for fun;

Weak-spined, they have to cut and run:


Give us patience to endure,

Hearts that work and wisdom sure.

And in the season, known as Life,

Full of uncertainty and strife…

No matter what may be the weather;

Please keep us safe and all together.

Soon robins will on the wing;

Thank God, we’re on the eve of spring!


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