Alex’s 26th birthday!

(Written just for you by, well, some Ol’ Bird)

The critters look so innocent, sheltered, safe from harm:

Tucked in pastures peaceful on the vales of Sub Edge Farm.

But, don’t conclude too hastily….for looks can be deceiving:

There sometimes is a seamy side….too gruesome for believing.

The happy public toddles in to trustfully buy food,

Unaware just when and where might lurk a darker mood.

The younger guard dog struggles to resist the Devil’s pull…

“Go eviscerate a chicken….after all, the moon is full!”

Coyotes roam the valley…killer ‘coons are all around:

No birds can slumber happily where predators abound.

A goat and random chicken up and just moved in together,

The chaos on the farm was just too much for them to weather.

Roaming bands of roosters – looking regal – strut their stuff:

When it comes to romance, well…they just can’t get enough!

To stray beyond their species doesn’t seem to be a fault…

Don’t let some alien feathers stop a sexual assault!

As for alien-abuse, consult the tribe of ducks:

When it comes to bird abuse, they have the worst of luck.

The chickens and the turkeys beat them up with wild abandon…

And being strangers in the crowd they’ve not a leg to stand on.

Each time they dust their feathers off, their virtue turns to ashes,

As lusty roosters, bearing down, start twirling their moustaches.

Still Farmer Maldonado turns 26 today,

And even these felonious birds will have to shout “Hooray!!”

But when you visit Sub Edge, keep to the beaten track…

And if you have a bird-like look, be sure and watch your back.


Happy Birthday, Alex!!!

Happy 200th Birthday to the Town of Colesville....

Saint Patrick!!!