Rotary Prayer


May 1, 2013


One of life’s Sweetest,

Accessible graces

Is the comfort of paws and fuzzy faces.

There’s no one else

In a human’s life,

Not a loyal husband,

Nor loving wife,

Whose unconditional adoration

Is quite like the love of the animal nation.

We are faced, my friends

With a world in need,

Whether two-footed or four-footed breed,

And those of us with giving hearts

Can’t help but rise to do our part..

To preserve the lives of adult or child,

As well as creatures…. tame or wild.

So, listen tonight to an age-old story,

Sometimes sad or even gory,

Of helpless, abandoned little friends,

Whose lives, without our help, may end.

It gives our minds a needed jog -

We remember a loyal cat or dog –

Their noble traits – we do not doubt ‘em –

Nor do we choose to do without ‘em!

But, shelters by the hundred dozens

Contain their not-so-lucky cousins.

Rotary service and dedication

Demands we consider a small donation

For kibble, or treats or crunchy bones,

‘Til fuzzy faces can find new homes.


Winter Solstice....

Bless the Teachers....