Trevor's Twenty-first Birthday

Happy 21st Birthday, Trevor Thomas!!!


Written just for Trevor

By the QOE

January 8, 2018


He’s a snowboard riding, down hill sliding son of a gun:

He’s rapid running, he’s wildlife gunning, he’s twenty-one.

He’s an Eagle Scout, of doors….he’s out: he will survive!

In a world well versed, filmed and rehearsed, he’s always LIVE!!!

If the chips are down and I’m on the ground, he’d be my man.

If the Big guys blew it, and Trev can’t do it, well….no one can.

But, if helpless he were to sudden be, he’d still be my joy:

Cuz you can’t replace the priceless face of that baby boy!

So, Happy Birthday, G.D. and I say……and many more:

And take good care of that treasure rare, whom we adore!

(And, that “rare treasure” is YOU!!!!)

Love, Nana


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