Coffee Thoughts...

My friend sent me a little ditty about struggling toward the morning’s first cup of coffee…..and, indeed, struggling toward morning itself. In return, I sent the little ditty below:


Roses are red as my eyes in the morning,

Trying to rise as the day is a-borning…

Some unknown intruder is buzzing my brain….

Yet I must arise: oh, the pain!

Oh, the pain!

Off to the kitchen to ready the pot…

Did I clean it last night?

No, of course, I did not!

So, dump out the grounds and a quick rinse’ll do it…

Soon I must run some white vinegar through it!

At last!

I hear perking…

O, God, is there hope?

That after this first pot, perhaps I can cope?!?


Written especially for Krisi

February 5, 2018

By the QOE

Rotary Prayer During MLK Week...

Trevor's Twenty-first Birthday