Rotary Prayer During MLK Week...

January 17, 2018


Martin Luther King…

Reminds us to be

What we claim to believe:

To treat all men as brothers,

Who hope to achieve…

The dignity, values and purpose of life;

The comfort of home with a husband or wife;

The treasure of children,

Whose future’s assured…

The respect of one’s neighbors,

Serene and secured.

The struggle of living our lives day by day,

With nothing that shatters our sweet dreams away.

In Colesville we’re lacking diversity, true!

So, generous tolerance is easy to do!

Through Rotary, though,

We can reach out a hand,

To help lift a brother in faraway lands…

To nurture a mother,

An innocent child:

To help tame a world

That is scary and wild.

The middle of winter’s

A time to be bold..

To bring those who suffer

Back in from the cold.


We have a mission to others:

To love them as sisters….

Respect them as brothers.


Hey....What about Global Warming?

Coffee Thoughts...