Collin's Birthday.....

Collin’s 29th Natal Day

Written just for you


The Q.O.E.



Never dreamed

Twenty-nine years ago

You’d ever become a CEO…

Chief of whatever it is you do!

I’m proud as punch of Y.O.U.

I’m stumped

When somebody asks me what

It is you do…

But I know it’s hot!

It’s techy and virtual, too, I see…

You do it for companies, others, and me.

You make a living…

It’s not for a laugh…

You actually, finally needed staff!

You’re totally gifted…you are a whiz…

I’m just not sure what “IT”

It IS!

Most folks certainly couldn’t do it,

So, they hire you to guide ‘em through it!

It’s great!

But, truly it hardly matters…

We’d love you as much

Were you mad as a hatter…

But, no!

You’re a genius…what can I say?

I guess that it’s just in the DNA!

Enough of this

Rhyming caterwaulin’…

Happy Natal Day,

To our

Dearest Collin!!!


Love, Nana



Rotary Tonight.....
