Ash Wednesday 2020...Lenten Calendar

Much like New Year’s Resolutions, Lenten promises of self-sacrifice often fall by the wayside. Sometimes it’s easier and more productive to add something worthwhile to daily life than to give up something.

Anyway…’s worth a try.

Here is an alternative Lenten calendar that hopes to add one or more meaningful acts to the coming seven weeks-plus. It doesn’t matter whether you follow it every day, or not……you can do what it suggests……you can choose one or more that you really like and repeat them any number of times… can make up your own.

Or, as with all things in life, there is always the choice of ignoring it completely!

I hope, in some small way, it adds value or joy to your days and/or to the lives of others. In any case, I offer it here as my gift to you…..and may blessings float down upon you!!

(Note: The original document had a specific form/format that did not translate to this forum as intended……sorry about that!!!)

A Lenten Calendar for 2020

2/26: Bible Study…ashes….2/27: Help a  friend

2/28: Sing The Lord’s Prayer 2/29: Dance/leap

3/1: Take Communion3/2: Be silent 5 minutes

3/3: Write to a  friend… 3/4:  Read  Psalm  135

3/5: Pray for Peace 3/6: Hug a dog, cat or child

3/7: Smile at a stranger 3/8: Go to church 3/9: Give time/money to a  good  cause 3/10: Turn off  the television 3/11: Thank God for a specific blessing… 3/12: Laugh 3/13: Contemplate a tree… 3/14: Sing a song with the radio….  3/15: Go to church and sit in a new location… 3/16: Just listen.. 3/17: Have  corned beef and cabbage 3/18: Read 1 chapter in the Gospel of John… 3/19: Talk to God… 3/20: Try to spot a robin… 3/21: Make a list of the twenty-five things that you are most thankful for 3/22: Take someone to church… 3/23: Perform an unexpected good deed, and do it anonymously if possible… 3/24: Pay for someone else’s coffee, tea, or whatever 3/25: Be openly joyful 3/26: Let go of a grudge

                                    3/27: Go outside and holler/sing “Hallelujah!” 

                                                 3/28: Sing the Doxology…with unusual gusto!!

                                    3/29: Thank God… .for  the renewal of  Spring

                                    3/30: Contemplate what Jesus might’ve been

Thinking/doing in the week that leads us up to

Palm Sunday 3/31: Pray for lost/lonely souls…

4/1: Be merciful…. and forgive those who are

Not…4/2: Look for a few green shoots…. even

If they are under the snow… 4/3:  Read Mark,

12-14.. 4/4 Find your Easter basket 4/5 Wave

Your palm branches and sing a few Hosannas!

4/6: Invite a friend or a neighbor to church for

Easter  Sunday….. 4/7: Color some Easter eggs

4/8: Thank God and Jesus for the priceless gift

Of  your Salvation… 4/9: Contemplate the Last

Supper  4/10: Observe Good Friday somehow

4/11: Dust off/fluff up your Easter Bonnet and

4/12: Sing “The Hallelujah Chorus”…. whether

You should sing it or not!

Jim Is 70.......

Today is Trev's 23rd Natal Day!!