A Lenten Calendar

A Lenten Calendar

for the Pandemic Year



2/17: Bible Study…acquire ashes, if you are able….

2/18: Call to check in on a  friend or neighbor

2/19: Sing The Lord’s Prayer…. At full volume!

2/20: Dance…leap….or just tap your toes to a catchy tune

2/21: Take Communion, if you can…or, have an extra cuppa and be thankful


2/22: Be silent for 5 minutes….or as long as you can stand it

2/23: Write a friendly note to a friend…

2/24:  Read your favorite Psalm… or try the 23rd or the 135th

2/25: Pray for Peace and health

2/26: Hug your dog or cat or gerbil….whatever!

2/27: Smile with your eyes at strangers

2/28: Go to church on Zoom…..or in person


3/1: Give time/money to a  good  cause

3/2: Turn off the television and call someone

3/3: Thank God for a specific blessing…

3/4: Make someone you love laugh

3/5: Contemplate the beauty of a tree…or a house plant

3/6: Sing along with a favorite song on Youtube or the radio….

3/7: Go to church and sit in a new location, or enter Zoom with an alias…


3/8: Just listen to others, to the sounds of your house, to the woods, a stream.. 3/9: Send a card or note to a house-bound friend or neighbor…

3/10: Read 1 chapter in the Gospel of John…

3/11: Talk to God…Pray for a specific person

3/12: Try to spot a green sprout in a sunny spot….or a robin…

3/13: Make a list of twenty-five things you are most thankful for…at least 5 or 10

3/14: Take someone to church…or invite them to join Zoom

3/15: Perform a random act of kindness, and do it anonymously if possible…

3/16: Pay for the person behind you in any drive-through line

3/17: Have corned beef and cabbage and/or wear green

3/18: Let go of a grudge…and/ or be openly joyful

3/19: Go outside and holler/sing “Hallelujah!”                                                           

3/20: Sing the Doxology…with unusual gusto!!

3/21: At church, on Zoom, or anywhere…Thank God…for the renewal of  Spring


3/22: Contemplate what Jesus might’ve been thinking/doing in the week that

leads us up to Palm Sunday

3/23: Pray for those who are depressed, lost and lonely souls…

3/24: Be merciful…. and forgive those who are not…forgive yourself

3/25: Look for a few green shoots…. Even if they are under the snow…

3/26: Read Mark 12-14….and/or make soup and share with a neighbor

3/27: Find your Easter basket, clean it and put in fresh “grass”

3/28 Wave your palm branches (or something!!) and sing a few Hosannas!


3/29: Invite a friend or a neighbor to church for Easter Sunday…..

3/30: Color some Easter eggs

3/31: Thank God and Jesus for the priceless gift of your Salvation…

4/1: Create your own Last Supper…pray for the Judases of this world

4/2: Go to church in person or on Zoom, but observe Good Friday somehow

4/3: Dust off/fluff up your Easter Bonnet…


4/4: Go to church in whatever way you can….later, sing “The Hallelujah

Chorus” (bring it up on Youtube) whether you should sing it or not!

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