Collin's 27th Natal Day!

Happy Birthday, Collin!! 

Last year,

You were off to Iceland…

With freedom to just explore…

The villages of the tundra, volcanic wonders galore!

Who knew what a change was coming, lurking around the bend?

Plague! – a Biblical epic – uncertainty without end.

You can’t get out of the country, should a trip you happen to win:

And if you got out of the country, nobody would let you back in!

So, what does one do for a birthday, in quarantine one might ask:

Something safely close to home…and probably sporting a mask!!

A quieter Celebration…twenty-seven years on this earth:

Perhaps a beverage or hunk of cake to honor your noble birth!

Create pandemic memories…as faces of friends surround…

Loudly letting the birthday song wherever they are resound!

Meanwhile, somewhere there’s family… toasting your natal day,

Sending their love toward Stuart…hopelessly far away.

And I shall be among them…

The Nana, lost and lone:

Wishing my boy was closer,

With a champagne-auraed moan!


Written just for you

By The Q.O.E.

A.K.A. “The Nana”

July 22, 2020


A Thank You Note

Today Is Canada Day!