Shazam!!!! A New Rotary Year.....

Rotary Prayer

July 7, 2021


Our world is lushly,

Deeply green,

The richness of July:

We wait all year so anxiously…

And “Poof!” It passes by.

The dark cool nights,

The rainy days…

Then “BOOM!!!”

Summer has come!

We listened for cicada songs,

And how the peepers thrum.

There never is a season

That’s exactly like the last,

And while we ponder and complain,

“Whammo!!!!” it’s gone past.

The differences may teach us

To welcome what may be,

To wring a maximum of joy

From Grand Diversity.

“Hoorah!!!” we beat” Pandemic,

And Al survived 2 terms…

Somehow all of us outlived

Invading waves of germs!

A fresh, new Rotary Year begins,

“Shazam!!!!” Jim’s poised and ready:

Who knows what wonders will unfold,

So hold the tiller steady!

And, in the wider world we serve,

For people near and far,

Our goal is: serve our fellow man…

Where and who they are.

We bless the God, who gave us

Much more than we deserve,

“Ka-Pow!!!” It is our mandate

To use our gifts to serve.


Welcoming a New Rotarian!

Happy Fourth 2021!!