Rotary Greets 2022

Rotary Prayer


January 5, 2022



To twenty-twenty-two,

A fresh new year for me…

For you!

Humble and awed by the universe

Full of events that can bless us….

Or curse…

Help us remain a force for good

For all who exist in Earth’s neighborhood.

May each of us someway serve mankind

With the needs they have…

With the tools we find.

We’d love to help the lame to walk,

The deaf to hear and the mute to talk.


Here we are in the annual blast…

Of January,

It’s likely to last.

What better way to pass an hour,

Than listen to tales of

People Power?

So, let us enjoy this presentation...

That tells of healing and restoration.


May what we hear ignite a fire…

Our hearts inflame,

Our souls aspire…

To plan our own “amazing grace”

That makes this world a better place.



Trev is 25!!

Farewell 21...Hello 22...