Another Rotary Poem....Rotary Prayer June 1, 2022

Rotary Prayer


June 1, 2022


There’s a new chicken in town…

And they’ve barbequed the Doctor…


It was the other way ‘round…

So, not as much a shocker!

But, indeed the chickens did get scorched,

They did not find it funny…

To help Rotarians with our plans

To raise a little money.

And so it is in this ol’ world,

No matter what is shakin’…

Some give whatever gifts they have,

While others…just get taken.

We’re thankful for the chickens,

Who are tasty…that’s for sure:

We’re thankful for all doctors

Every time we need a cure!

Or someone who’s intelligent…

Whatever field they’re in,

That can hasten to the rescue,

When things are looking grim.

Rotary is both of these…

We thrive on lots of fun!

But we can take the longer view…

Put troubles on the run.

Polio is all but gone…Poverty we attack…

We’ve done our best for elders

And keeping youth on track.

No matter if it’s work or play, the good time never ends…

Because we always get it done among our Rotary friends!


Yes, I Know It's June First....

Memorial Day....