Pass the Gavel Poem for Rotary.....

Rotary Prayer

June 16, 2021


Wow, President Al, you made it!!!!!

Now the gavel goes to Jim.

You’ve served your twelve-month sentence,

Now the burden falls on him!!!!

You helped us work to reach our goals,

You’ve kept the Club alive…

Not only did we make it…

But actually, we thrived!

We served our seniors as we could,

And kept the youth in mind.

We cleaned our bit of highway

And our Pantry shelves well lined.

We’ve raised a little money,

So, as this year’s put to bed,

It’s nice to know our budget

Is far from in the red.

Congrats to Al for leadership..

There’s no pandemic school.

Our challenges the past 12 months

Weren’t covered in the rules.

Again we Pass the Gavel, still sincere in this belief:

That every President’s year-long reign,

Once over, brings relief.

Which brings us to this brand new year…

So shiny, blank and clean,

With its measureless potential

For the long twelve months between…

The onset of THIS Rotary year,

As we long for fresh attractions,

And its wonderful conclusion,

That will give JIM satisfaction.

Kudos to Al and Jim, who serve, as needed now and here!

To see us through the past 12 months….to plan the coming year.

Responsibilities claim them both… yet both are called to be

Servants who put service on the line for Rotary.

We thank You, Lord, that in our club many do their part

To take the reins of leadership that gives Colesville its heart!

May each of us lure a new member or two,

May each of us serve where we can.

May this year bring us new projects to do,

And may You put Your Seal on our plans!


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