Rotary Poem for 5/17/23

Rotary Prayer…our speaker tonight, Ron Wenzinger, has been part of a Ramp Program that has built many ramps throughout the area for folks who need them.


 May 17, 2023


We are thankful, indeed,

For the inclined plane…

With a long piece of floor’s

Aspirations to fame.

It rises from dust

To someplace in the air…

It takes one from down here…

To way up over there.

It’s noble to lift up

Our dear fellow man,

To use our own blessings

To give him a hand…

To help him arrive

Somewhere slightly above…

Is kindness…

Wrapped up in a labour of love.

For what’s a Rotarian,

Sisters and Brothers,

If not to give service

To numberless others?

Much in this world is not in our control:

So, we do what we can

For mind, body and soul.

We are the ramps of this world, yes, my dears…

We serve to raise others from need and its fears.

You’ve come to the right place….

Your mission to find:

And, you can serve, too…

If you’re so inclined.



Happy Birthday, Kiva Marie.....

A Tribute...