Oooooh, Collin is 30.....Collin’s Thirty...

Collin’s Thirty



He is leaving

The twenties’ scene…

Thankfully thirty’s

The new seventeen!

Fun and successful…

Fans raining down…

Pedals his carcass

All over town.

Some might feel

This birthday hurt-y…

Just one more time

Life deals us dirty.


Like a good wine,

Growing bolder,

He just gets better

As he gets older!

So, scoop the ice cream…

Bake the cake…

Grab the games…

Give dice a shake…

Gather the gang

And whoop ‘er up:

Zack’s got your back…

He’s a Party Pup!

Cuz with or without

Your night of fun…

You’ll still wake up

Twenty-nine plus one!

Just celebrate…

You might as well…

Saint Pete can take it

And Zack won’t tell!

(Me neither!)


Happy Birthday!

Love, Nana

Written Just for You

By The







Patch Florance....R.I.P.

It's "Pass the Gavel" night for Rotary....